Nala the Cat
She is a cute cat
Who likes to be with Shayla
And keeps darkness safe
Every single night
When Nala’s sleeping she’s great
Wonder what she dreams
What does Nala Hope:
Shayla will take care of her
For her whole lifetime
Sheltering in Place
Hard rain came today
It can be very scary
Hope flowers stay safe
Wish things were normal
Hate being home all the time
Let’s go for ice cream!
Don’t like the virus
Don’t like being stuck indoors
But love time with cat.
Maybe you have pets
Who give you Joy,Fun and Hope
But some people don’t
Some folks are Lonely
And we should feel bad for them
Reach out and Smile
Books are wonderful
They are great resources to
Get us Far Away
Bye electronics
They are not good for our health
But the books are fine.