“Hope Talks” Conversation Guides

Hope Talks is a set of conversation guides that give you the tools to chat about important topics relating to our shared humanity and shared responsibility in addressing global threats.

These topics include hope, family and community, climate change, culture, and globalization. Hope Talks will facilitate deep conversation and increase your connectedness with those around you.

Use these questions to spark conversation while on a walk with a friend, a zoom call with a colleague or around the dinner table with your family.

Download our conversation guides (PDF):

Hope Talks is a set of conversation guides that give you the tools to chat about important topics relating to our shared humanity and shared responsibility in addressing global threats.

These topics include hope, family and community, climate change, culture, and globalization. Hope Talks will facilitate deep conversation and increase your connectedness with those around you.

Use these questions to spark conversation while on a walk with a friend, a zoom call with a colleague or around the dinner table with your family.

“Dandelion” by Aleksandr Ledogorov on Unsplash
“Peace Sign” by Chang Duong on Unsplash
“Hand holding soil” by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash
“Globe on Table” by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
“Coins” by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

OneShared.World IDEA School

The IDEA (Interdependence Education for Action) School is committed to building an interdependent society embracing economic, environmental, gender and racial justice.

© 2021-24 IDEA School, a program of OneShared.World.
All artwork displayed on this website is the exclusive property of the artist and may not be downloaded or used in any manner without the written permission of the OneShared.World IDEA School.

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