Ryhan Aneev

“Where do you find HOPE?“



Our earth is one,

On a common earth we grow.

Therefore why is it

That we do not treat it so?


So many divisions

That we ourselves did make…

Why the steps to a common earth

Does nobody ever take?


So many barriers

Of colour, birth and caste!

Why does enduring peace

Never amongst us last?


The ones that we find evil

Are never amongst our own

Why beyond this prejudice

Has the human race not grown?


Is war a solution?

The answer is clearly NO!

But the more we humans evolve,

The more divisive we grow…


Some people have claimed

That there is no hope for us!

That soon enough the human race

Will be trampled into dust…


However our destiny is not

As hopeless as you think,

If we work together to pull

Ourselves back from the brink!


The thought of a truly common earth

Is not just a hopeless wish.

If we act together now

Our sorrows we can vanquish.


Equal rights shall rule

And all shall have their say.

People will come together

And be happy every day.


No one will be dependent

Or mocked, no not one!

Dignity and respect

Will be shown to everyone.


No religion shall dominate,

But show acceptance and grace.

No one shall be persecuted

Because of colour or race!


Food as well as shelter

Shall be refused to none;

Safety and comfort

Will be given to everyone.


Clean water shall be aplenty

For every living kind;

A home for all species,

No one left behind.


Everybody shall be living

In the utmost state of health

And knowledge for everyone

Will provide mental wealth.


Boundaries are artificial

For all humans are one;

And that is why acceptance

Should be practiced by everyone.


May we be as harmless

And as free as flying birds;

For that is how I envision OUR


Artist: Ryhan Aneev

Age: 14

School: Arya Vidya Mandir, Bandra (W)

Country: India

OneShared.World IDEA School

The IDEA (Interdependence Education for Action) School is committed to building an interdependent society embracing economic, environmental, gender and racial justice.

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