Roshni Zafar

“Where do you find HOPE?“

Some mornings I wake up

Unwilling to get out of bed

I wince under the bright lights

And try to ignore the birds’ chirping outside

I’m tossing and turning in warm covers

My motivation, my driving force for the day

It’s left me

(It’s probably somewhere in Cuba)

I can’t

I don’t want to

I won’t

It’s frustrating

My despair, my exhaustion

I just want to go back to sleep

But HOPE, that ray of sunshine slicing through storm clouds,

That twinkling light peeking through the end of a tunnel

Lined with determination, bravery, patience,

It fuels me,

And I finally, with some effort, roll ungracefully out of bed,

Knowing I’m capable of seeing through

Another day.

Artist: Roshni Zafar

Age: 13

School: Beaconhouse Canal Side Campus Girls, Lahore

Country: Pakistan

OneShared.World IDEA School

The IDEA (Interdependence Education for Action) School is committed to building an interdependent society embracing economic, environmental, gender and racial justice.

© 2021-24 IDEA School, a program of OneShared.World.
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