Hemakshi Naresh Upreti

“Where do you find HOPE?“

This is Hemakshi Naresh Upreti studying in Senior KG, Podar Jumbo Kids, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.

For the campaign “A Children’s Call to Hope,” She has made a drawing showing “Valley of Flowers.” She has chosen this drawing for submission because she finds hope when she is with nature and here the valley of flowers is depicting that we need to smile even though there might be so many adversities as the flowers always blossoms even though they have to withstand the sunshine, rains and winds.

So, here she would like to urge the people and society that even though we were badly stuck by Pandemic, we still need to find the reason to always keep smiling and move forward with whatever we are having and never try to disturb nature.

Artist: Hemakshi Naresh Upreti

School: Podar Jumbo Kids, Sangli, Maharashtra

Country: India

OneShared.World IDEA School

The IDEA (Interdependence Education for Action) School is committed to building an interdependent society embracing economic, environmental, gender and racial justice.

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